"A business owners' job is never done!"
Does that mean a biz owner is "done in" by never? I suggest we rephrase the concept to avoid this end or "in" as it were or will be or has been…
A biz owners' job is always around–so he/she gets surrounded by work–& sooner or later done in by it! Shoot! That doesn't work either…
A biz owners' job is a circular firing squad–once she/he gets her/his sights set on it–work expands exponentially & does she/he in anyway. Progress! "Does" is present tense rather than past tense.
But we're still in passed away, all pooped out tents–still a negative result… RTC
What you see above is a 600 character long written aid (or raving tirade) for solving all your business issues, plus a couple extra 'paragraph returns' and minus the solving part.
I also do "serious" work, but just not in this space.
Richard The Chwalek
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